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- 新员工入职培训
- 员工评估
- 晋升与职业发展
- 培训与发展
- 组织目标
- 数据与合规
- 劳动力赋权
- 员工激励
- 团队整合
- 工作文化


Human resource management is the strategic approach to nurturing and supporting employees and ensuring a positive workplace environment. Its functions vary across different businesses and industries, but typically include recruitment, compensation and benefits, training and development, and employee relations.
- Recruitment.
- New staff orientation
- Staff evaluation
- Promotion & career development
- Training & Development
- Organization Goal
- Data and Compliance
- Retention
- Workforce Empowerment
- Employee Motivation
- Team Integration
- Work Culture





Franchise training is training provided to franchisees after they sign a franchise agreement with a franchisor and before they begin operating a franchise. The emphasis of such programs is on the capacity building of franchise employees so that they can successfully represent a brand in their chosen territories.

During the training, franchisees are groomed on entrepreneurial skills, people’s skills, how to maintain brand consistency, how to develop a passion for work, how to keep oneself and others motivated, and many other topics.

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